Monday, February 22, 2010

Seeing Faith (Mark 2:1-12)

A sermon preached on February 21, 2010 at Hebron Baptist Church, Denham Springs, Louisiana by Pastor Joe Alain.

Scripture Reading: Mark 2:1-12
Focal Verse:When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.” (Mark 2:5).

Capernaum was a coastal village on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee, about two and a half miles from the mouth of the Jordan River. This was the center of Jesus’ great Galilean ministry. Our text tells us that Jesus was coming back into Capernaum (v.1). He had previously been in the surrounding wilderness areas (1:35). When in Capernaum, Jesus resided in the house of Simon Peter (Mk. 1:29). It is to this house that Mark says that Jesus “had come home” (v.1). This lets us know that Jesus is probably now living
in Capernaum.

“He Preached the Word to Them” (2:1-2)
If Jesus came back to rest, it didn’t work. “So many gathered that there was no room left” (v.2). At the most, the house held no more than around 50 people. The rest of the people would have to listen at the door. What did Jesus do when this crowd assembled? He could have turned them away. He could have left the house. Instead, “he preached the word to them” (v.2). What word did he preach? What was Jesus’ message? The heart of Jesus’ message was the kingdom (or rule) of God and that one comes under God’s rule through repentance (turning to God) and faith. We might say that Jesus brought to people an alternative kingdom, a kingdom of love, joy, peace, forgiveness, a kingdom contrary to what people in the world would have known.

Jesus seized the opportunity that was presented and preached the word. What opportunities present themselves to you to share God’s word? You and I are able to offer others another kingdom, God’s kingdom, another way, the way. God’s kingdom is a kingdom of joy and peace and love, a kingdom where life is lived with purpose, where people have the opportunity to live a full and meaningful life. This is our message! In this setting where a healing occurred, the most important healing that took place was the acceptance of the word that was shared by Jesus. People have many needs today and God call us to be active in meeting those needs, but the greatest need is for people to hear and respond to God’s good news.

When the Healthy Hinder the Sick (2:3-4a)
Mark tells us that some other folks tried to get in to the revival meeting (vv.3-4a) but they we’re too late and they didn’t have a gymnasium next door with a “jumbo tron” to watch Jesus. Now you have to believe that some of the good folks of Capernaum saw this man being carried to the house. Why didn’t somebody get up and let these folks in? They didn’t for the same reason people don’t today. Their focus on themselves blinded them to this man who had a need. He was the invisible man to them. This crowd was in the way, keeping this man from meeting Jesus. Self-seeking keeps us disengaged and destroys love. That’s why the Bible encourages us to develop the aspect of love that is “not self-seeking” (1 Cor. 13:5).

What hinders people from coming to Jesus? And how are you helping people to see and know Jesus? Don’t ever think that what you do does not matter or is not significant. It doesn’t take much to impact someone for Christ. It was just a little gesture from a fellow snow boarder that got Kelly Clark to thinking about God. Kelly, a 2002 Olympic gold medal winner and member of the 2010 U.S. Olympic snowboarding team in Vancouver, discovered that success does not bring lasting fulfillment. During a competition in 2004 she overheard a fellow competitor encouraging a person who failed to qualify say, “Hey, it’s all right. God still loves you.” In her hotel room, Kelly began to read the Bible but was not sure what she was reading. That’s when she walked down the hall and knocked on the girls door who had spoken earlier. Kelly introduced herself and said, “I think you might be a Christian, and I think you need to tell me about God.” Kelly Clark became a Christian. Your words and actions have the ability to speak hope into the lives of people.

Love Will Find a Way (2:4b)
They could not get in the door, but they knew that could get through the roof, so now it’s plan B! Their love for their friend motivated these four friends to not quit. Love will find a way and don’t you know that the one friend was so glad that his friends did not give up on him! Josef Guzy, a 76 year old Polish man was also glad that Darius Wysluchato did not give up on him. You see, Josef died on January 26, 2010, well so everyone thought. He had collapsed at his barn and when he was found, he was not breathing, there was no heartbeat and the body had cooled, all the characteristics of death. Josef Guzy was pronounced dead. Darius, a funeral director opened Josef’ coffin to retrieve a necklace for the man’s wife only to discover that Josef had a pulse! He was rushed to the hospital and released several weeks later.

These four friends would not give up because as long as there is a pulse of hope, love will find a way. We too should never become discouraged in our efforts to share with our family and friends. As long as there’s a pulse, there’s hope. And if we witness to our friends and things don’t work out as we would like, go to plan B. That what these four friends did. They went into the roofing business. They “made an opening in the roof” (v.4), literally, they dug through. The roof would have been flat. It was made out of a kind of plaster, mixed in with dirt, rock and laid over with branches for support. They didn’t have to bring a ladder because there would have been a stairwell that went up to the roof. The roof area was kind of like a screened porch without the screen.

For these friends to go to all this trouble tells us some things: (1) For one thing, they are concerned about their friend and they want more than anything for him to get healed. Where does love for others like that come from? It comes from the heart of God. “We love because he first loved us” (1 Jn. 4:19). When we grasp how much God loves us and what he’s done for us, we want others to know Him too. What would motivate you to go out of your way to bring someone to Jesus? God’s love for you! (2) These friends were concerned but we can also say that these four friends believed with all their heart that Jesus could heal their friend. Concern for others and a strong conviction that Jesus can help them leads us to act and love will find a way.

When that kind of compassion (love for people) meets that kind of conviction (that Christ is the answer) there’s going to be a move of God. They were going to do whatever it took to get their friend to Jesus. No matter the cost (roofs are expensive), no matter the ridicule (roof top evangelism is a little unorthodox), they did whatever it took. Love will find a way.

This was radical “roof raising” evangelism. I wonder, when is the last time you and I were accused of doing something radical, bold, daring for the Lord? The New Testament church lived on the cutting edge while the contemporary church today lives in the middle of the road. Am I willing to do whatever it takes to bring people to Jesus? What extra effort could you (I) make to bring a friend to Jesus? These friends cooperated together to bring their friend to Jesus. We too can do much more together than we can by ourselves.

“Your Sins Are Forgiven” (2:5)
In Mark 2:5, Jesus says that He “saw their [plural] faith.” What does it mean to see faith? How do you see someone’s faith? Jesus saw that these four friends had gone to great lengths to bring their friend to Jesus. He “saw their faith” through their actions. Faith always sees what it hopes for. The friends and the paralytic envisioned Jesus bringing His healing and they were not disappointed. Jesus saw their faith and when He did, “he said to the paralytic, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven” (v.5). This was a double miracle, a miracle of physical healing and even more importantly, a miracle of salvation. How tragic it would have been to only heal him temporarily! Jesus recognized that the greatest need that the man had was to be forgiven. The need to be forgiven is still the essential need that we have today, a need that only God can meet.

In verse 6 we are introduced to the fault-finding committee. They don’t appear to be too happy. This week research was published by Columbia University that suggests that happier people were less likely to have heart problems. So if you want to live longer, be happy. They also suggest that even if your grumpy by nature, just try acting like a cheerful person. Happiness (even if your pretending) may decrease heart attack risk. These critics were probably the same people who wouldn’t dare give up their pew to help somebody get to Jesus. How typical that these fault-finders “sitting . . . thinking to themselves” (v.6) as if there only job description is to make sure nothing spiritual happens and to find fault with every spiritual thing that does.

They were thinking in their hearts but what is in your heart is shouted in heaven. They accused Jesus of blasphemy (v.7). By forgiving sins Jesus is doing only what God could do and of course they do not believe for a moment that Jesus is God. Jesus posed a question to these men (v.9). Of course, the answer is obvious. It is one thing to say, “you’re sins are forgiven.” Anyone can do that, because forgiveness is invisible. You don’t need any proof to say, “your sins are forgiven.” So Jesus says, “I’ll show you that I am not just speaking words, this man who is a paralytic will walk.” Only God could physically heal the man which is the point. Since Jesus can do the visible miracle (heal the paralytic), this is evidence that he also has the power to do the invisible miracle (forgive sins). “Son of Man” is Jesus’ favorite way of referring to Himself in Mark’s gospel and highlights both His human and divine nature (see also Dan. 7:13-14; Mark 2:28; 8:38; 14:62).

The man who was paralyzed “got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all” (v.12). The paralyzed man who was dropped through the ceiling is now walking away forgiven! This is why we preach, this is why we care, this is why we bring our friends to Jesus, because only God can provide what we need – forgiveness! What was the response of the people to this miracle (v.12)? They were (1) “all amazed,” in awe, and (2) they “glorified God, saying, ‘We never saw anything like this!” (ESV)

Jesus preached the healing word to the people. In spite of hindrances, the four men brought their friend to Jesus – love found a way. Their faith secured God’s forgiveness. They heard the words, “Your sins are forgiven.” Jesus could say that because He is God. He has the divine authority to forgive us and we receive His forgiveness by faith, simple trust. Jesus still forgives sin. Have you been forgiven by faith? If not, Jesus is willing.

If so, will you empowered by God share Jesus with others? The people said, “We never saw anything like this!” There are many people today in DS who really have never seen anything like what God can do in bringing them forgiveness. But they will when they see your faith!

For His Glory!
Pastor Joe

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