Monday, November 1, 2010

Fellowship in the Word of Life (1 John 1:1-4)

A communion message preached on Sunday, October 31, 2010
at Hebron Baptist Church, Denham Springs, Louisiana by Pastor Joe Alain

Message: “Fellowship in the Word of Life”

Scripture Reading: 1 John 1:1-4

Occasion: Lord’s Supper
You can hear the passion that John has for Christ when he tells of his personal experience of knowing Jesus who he calls “the word of life” (v.1). The Jesus that John heard, saw, looked at, and touched was God in human form who brought “eternal life” (v.2). This same Jesus, John now proclaims to others “so that” (v.3) they too may enter into “fellowship” (v.3) with the church and with the Father and with the Son Jesus Christ.

The word “Fellowship” translates “communion,” “participation,” and “partnership.” The root meaning of the word is “common” or “shared” as opposed to “one’s own.” In the New Testament it refers to Christians who share a common faith (Philem. 6), who share possessions (Acts 2:44), or who are partners in the Gospel (Phil. 1:5).

Here fellowship is having “the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us” (v.2) in the person of Jesus. One commentator explained that fellowship “is the eternal life that comes from the Father and becomes the life shared individually and corporately by the company of believers. It is what causes the oneness of faith.” How true! What brings us together corporately as “one body” is the fact that each of us individually has shared in the experience of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Because “fellowship” is brought into existence through the preached word, John repeatedly emphasizes his desire to “proclaim” (vv.1, 3) “ the word of life.” This too is why we preach God’s Word. This too is why we tirelessly teach the precious precepts of God’s truth. This too is why we do all that is in our power to distribute the Word of God with the heartfelt biblical conviction that “faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17). Therefore, we preach, teach, and share God’s Word “So that” others may “have fellowship with us . . .”

John expresses a much-needed truth in our day with the expression “fellowship with us.” The “us” is a reminder that there is no real fellowship apart from the body of Christ founded on the apostolic witness! The Lord’s Supper celebrates true fellowship. It is a celebration of our common faith in Christ and our commitment to His mission. Because of this, (1) It only makes sense to Christians, and (2) It is only meaningful when we our desiring oneness of faith and purpose. This is why Paul states in the strongest terms for the Corinthians to “Examine yourselves” (see 1 Cor. 11:27-ff).

So as we gather at our Lord’s table, let us celebrate “the word of life” that has come to us. Let us celebrate the fact that we have been saved from wrath and reconciled to God. Let us celebrate the grace of God that has brought us forgiveness and freedom. And let us renew our commitment to proclaim Him so that all people may have fellowship with us, with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. Amen

For His Glory!
Pastor Joe

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